Airline Mogul => Game Strategy => Topic started by: AirbusGuy350 on April 11, 2010, 04:43:37 pm
Title: Airbus vs. Boeing
Post by: AirbusGuy350 on April 11, 2010, 04:43:37 pm
I just wanted to know which aircraft everyone out there preferred. Please explain why you chose what you did. If there is an option that isn't there and you would like I will see if I can it to the poll.
Title: Re: Airbus vs. Boeing
Post by: AirbusGuy350 on April 11, 2010, 04:49:46 pm
I chose all Airbus because their long haul fleet is cheaper and has better fuel efficiency than boeing. I also like Airbus long haul because the A330 and the A340 can go far with 440 passengers. Plus the A330-200 is 767-200 sized and can go father. I have to say though all the 777 variants are the best long haul aircraft.
Title: Re: Airbus vs. Boeing
Post by: StephenM on April 11, 2010, 05:32:35 pm
I hope your username doesn't bias the option you picked. :P I like to go for a lower seat quantity to maximise the return on investment, or if I am creating a "British" airline I try to fly only British aircraft. But I do like to have both Airbus & Boeing in the fleet where possible.
Title: Re: Airbus vs. Boeing
Post by: 1993matias on April 11, 2010, 05:49:36 pm
It really depends on which mood I'm in, where my airline is based and the size of my home base. But i prefer Boeings, they look the best :P
Title: Re: Airbus vs. Boeing
Post by: AirbusGuy350 on April 11, 2010, 05:51:25 pm
I hope your username doesn't bias the option you picked.
Well the A350 isn't out yet so I had to go with the next best pick the 777 ;)
Title: Re: Airbus vs. Boeing
Post by: pseudoswede on April 11, 2010, 09:48:59 pm
I pick which ever plane offers the best performance for the price for the range I need. I don't care about manufacturer.
Title: Re: Airbus vs. Boeing
Post by: wbmc1 on April 12, 2010, 12:48:08 am
I go with whatever. Boeing, Airbus, DeHavilland Canada, McDonnell-Douglas. Anything really, depending on what's available and what is most efficient and effective for me.
Title: Re: Airbus vs. Boeing
Post by: pilotguy121a on May 03, 2010, 05:38:22 am
762ER with 7680nm range for long haul. A321-200 for domestic, high capacity routes. A319 for domestic, low capacity routes. Embraer for regional.
I usually only have 4 aircraft models.
Title: Re: Airbus vs. Boeing
Post by: Unknown98 on May 15, 2010, 05:20:29 pm
I pick which ever plane offers the best performance for the price for the range I need. I don't care about manufacturer.
Same here. I compare stats, whicher one has the best stats for what I'm looking for, I go with.
I also go with that, but I would prefer Airbus in both short-haul and long-haul.
Title: Re: Airbus vs. Boeing
Post by: ATE24 on June 03, 2010, 07:27:58 pm
Low-profit route->Embraer E-Jet Normal route->A319 mix A320 High-profit route->B753 mix A321 (or A321 only) Transcontinental route->Depends on the distance between the hub and destination, use only 1 type for a hub
Title: Re: Airbus vs. Boeing
Post by: kcclieou on June 06, 2010, 02:50:14 am
Transcontinental route->Depends on the distance between the hub and destination, use only 1 type for a hub
On routes that can be flown by an A319 (the 4254nm variant), doing 1x A319 is much more profitable than 0.5x B762ER or A332, especially if no one else flies the route; that's because daily service commands a much higher fare premium even though the number of seats offered by 1x A319 is the same as offered by 0.5x B762ER or A332.
For routes between 10 and 12 hours I believe a 1x A319LR is more profitable than a 0.5x B762ER as well.
Widebodies such as the B762ER should only be used on missions over 12 hours as well as tag-ons associated with it.
Title: Re: Airbus vs. Boeing
Post by: Drake420 on July 09, 2010, 03:25:02 am
Wheres the love for Tupolevs?
The Tu-334-100 is the cheapest plane to have 100 passengers. Its got good speed and fuel economy. It lacks the range of the more expensive airbuses but its good for regional flights.. Then there the 100D variant which has much better range and fuel economy for less money than the Airbus.
The Tu-354 is the cheapest plane to have over 120 passengers while being faster than most of the more expensive planes and having better fuel efficiency than all of them. Again it lacks the range but its good for regional flights.
The fokker 70 is also pretty good for regional flights because of its speed and price, but its not as great on fuel and doesn't have the highest passenger capacity. Still it makes me as much money if not more than the A319's while being cheaper.
Then again, what do I know?.. Im just a newb and ive only been playing a week :lol:
Is there any reason why I never seen anyone else using a Tupolev?
Title: Re: Airbus vs. Boeing
Post by: tadams on July 29, 2010, 09:19:55 pm
I usually go with Douglas and McDonnell-Douglas.
Title: Re: Airbus vs. Boeing
Post by: Mastafa on August 04, 2010, 08:10:52 pm
I choose airbus and boeing because both of them are good money makers. Depending on the route i am flying, sometimes airbus is good and sometimes boeing is good. I usually prefer boieng because there planes are cheaper than airbus and most of them five higher profits than airbus. I choose these two companies for meduim to lonng haul routes (I consider 737s at medium haul). I get those boeings mostly for my routes (long haul and meduim) while airbus only goes for Airbus. I only keep airbus in my fleet because 1) One of the biggest airplane manufacturers in the world 2) Some (like a330s and a340s) give good profit on routes and 3rd and most important of all (that i consider) is that they increase airline value because the plane is more expensive, even though the biggest jets there don't even give money. Ok, take this: I have 2 777-300er and 2 airbus a380s. The airbus a380s increased my airline value by 1,30000,000 (one billion and three hundred million), making me hit 3rd place in the world. The 777 only did that by only 700,000,000 (seven hundred million). But now... i set up the routes. the 777 is giving me some money (around 100,000 +) and the a380 is giving me NEGATIVE 150,000 MAXIMUM. I left the a380 in my fleet, but i didn't start routes with it. That's why i usually prefer Boeing more than airbus for profit :lol: and airbus more than boeing for airline value :lol:
Now, don't forget the regional routes. I prefer bombardier and dehavilland canada for that. The q400s give me maximum of 111,000 and the crj gives a max of 150,00. ;)
Title: Re: Airbus vs. Boeing
Post by: PatrickZ on August 08, 2010, 02:44:07 pm
I'm using a mixture of everything. Boeing, Airbus, McDonnell-Douglas, Fokker, I even got some Tupolevs in my fleet. Just what aircraft is best suitable for a route or a number of routes.
Title: Re: Airbus vs. Boeing
Post by: Mastafa on August 17, 2010, 04:58:17 pm
The A320 is a maker of $ the A380 is not :o :-\
Right now in PW # 1577 (Jet Canada Express)
our A320-200 placed on route YYZ-LAX gives us $201,000
Title: Re: Airbus vs. Boeing
Post by: Mastafa on August 17, 2010, 05:04:24 pm
That explains of why we had 44 Dash 8 Q400s and 41 CRJ-900LRs
WE have one 77W
Title: Re: Airbus vs. Boeing
Post by: Khalifa on August 18, 2010, 09:05:29 pm
A319 = Short haul. Typical routes Ex. (BOS-IAD) A330-300,200 = Medium - Long haul EX. (BOS-MAN) (DFW-HNL) Boeing 757-300,200 = High capacity routes mainly domestic (BOS-LAX) (BOS-SDQ) Boeing 747-400 = Long Haul (BOS-NRT) (BOS-LHR) Boeing 777-200,300 = Long Haul (BOS-GRU) (BOS-DXB) (BOS-CAI)
Title: Re: Airbus vs. Boeing
Post by: bry12 on September 05, 2010, 12:27:26 pm
I'd prefer both Airbus and Boeing only though for start up I always go with BAe ATP and Super 748s or maybe EMBs and CASAs as we can't immediately afford to buy nor lease either Airbus or Boeing in the beginning months.
among the airbus aircraft I choose Airbus A320-200 and A 319s, the narrowbody short-medium range planes, very good for high passenger traffic short-medium range. From Boeing well I like the 737s classic 300/400/500 they're also good but with lower offered seats than A320s. usually The first jet airliner I would go for are Boeing because they're less expensive than any Airbus except A319s and other shorter variants. Boeing is also my choice for long haul trans continental flights either 767-200ER or the 777-200ER I don't really fancy the 300ERs of Boeing, they have great seat capacity but shorter range. I always look at range than seat capacity for long hauls. I also choose Boeing 757s for medium range international flights in tan-them with Airbus A320s. So mostly I like the Boeing aircraft however note that the largest no. of fleet will always be Airbus particularly A320s. Thus, Airbus and Boeing really suites for me.
btw I like this topic :)
Title: Re: Airbus vs. Boeing
Post by: ced_ampo on September 05, 2010, 02:13:55 pm
Chose Other.. Why? Here is my preferred "Pecking Order" for my Planes Bombardier CRJ-x00 (I use mostly 200LR's) Boeing 737-9ER (Regional routes out of range by CRJ's) Boeing 757-300 (Regional routes needing the capacity. Think Japan...) Boeing 767-2ER (Intercontinental routes not needing the capacity/range of the 777) Boeing 777-2LR (Longest range flights that only this can complete) Boeing 777-3ER (Intercontinental routes needing the capacity)
Title: Re: Airbus vs. Boeing
Post by: Virgin Serbia on September 09, 2010, 03:22:08 pm
I operate a mixed fleet. Year in the game i am in is 1993.
ATR-72 for regional routes (less than 500 miles) to rural airports with less than 100.000 passengers.
737-500 for my African network. Small type with plenty of range. Will be replaced by either A319, 737-600 or 737-700 (i will choose when they are available).
A320-200 for most of my network. Carries more passengers than most other aircraft available, only aircraft in it's class that has more range is the 737-300. The 737-800 isn't available yet, but i will decide on a replacement when it is available.
757-200 for longhaul out of smaller hubs. Nothing else available with same range.
A310-300HGW for long haul. Cheaper than a 767-200ER, and slightly faster. Fulfills all my range requirements.
Title: Re: Airbus vs. Boeing
Post by: oddward on December 05, 2010, 07:17:31 pm
I am an Airbus guy and I voted for the top 2 because the Airbus short haul jets are much cheaper than the ones from boeing and they often offer similar speeds and ranges (not always I am aware) I tend to use Airbus A330-300 LRs on my long haul routes but sometimes i might need to get a 777 or 767 for the longer routes as I don't really want to use 340s as they(in real life) would look out of place with all my twin jets if I had a quad jet so really I only by the Boeing for aesthetics otherwise Airbus FTW
Title: Re: Airbus vs. Boeing
Post by: jayceon on December 30, 2010, 10:45:35 pm
Embrear ERJ jets (170/175/190/195) all the way. Less is more. Less fuel consumption, less pricy, less passengers (comes with a lower turn time) and it gives you more profit. All I see is wins :P Well.. there's one "con"... you're quite vulnerable when it comes to competing with larger aircraft :-X
Title: Re: Airbus vs. Boeing
Post by: Virgin Serbia on December 31, 2010, 12:54:16 pm
Embrear ERJ jets (170/175/190/195) all the way. Less is more. Less fuel consumption, less pricy, less passengers (comes with a lower turn time) and it gives you more profit. All I see is wins :P Well.. there's one "con"... you're quite vulnerable when it comes to competing with larger aircraft :-X
And they only come quite late in the game :(
Title: Re: Airbus vs. Boeing
Post by: jayceon on December 31, 2010, 03:24:54 pm
Embrear ERJ jets (170/175/190/195) all the way. Less is more. Less fuel consumption, less pricy, less passengers (comes with a lower turn time) and it gives you more profit. All I see is wins :P Well.. there's one "con"... you're quite vulnerable when it comes to competing with larger aircraft :-X
And they only come quite late in the game :(
True :-X They come phased somewhere between 2003 and 2005 if I'm right. So yes, you got me another con there. But other than that they're awesome :D
Title: Re: Airbus vs. Boeing
Post by: Shawa on January 01, 2011, 02:12:48 am
Order of battle in '89
Gulfstream I-C Fokker 50 Fokker F28-3000 RomBAC 1-11-560 B732 Adv. HGW MD-83 A320-100 B752 Next aircrafts not planned yet
Title: Re: Airbus vs. Boeing
Post by: andrius on January 17, 2011, 03:27:55 pm
Boeing business jet is the best ,althou its not availiable until 2002.But it makes 250k on 2 flights like amsterdam to hartsfield and amsterdam new york and the plane costs only 28 million!!!BEST :D
Title: Re: Airbus vs. Boeing
Post by: AirbusL1011 on May 13, 2011, 09:04:33 am
i like planes with two engines 8) 8)
Title: Re: Airbus vs. Boeing
Post by: 1993matias on May 13, 2011, 09:06:11 am
Well, I like with three ;)
Title: Re: Airbus vs. Boeing
Post by: Virgin Serbia on May 13, 2011, 12:21:41 pm
Title: Re: Airbus vs. Boeing
Post by: gopats1479 on May 14, 2011, 02:27:52 pm
I mostly use A319s as my short/medium haul if I start with them. My regional AC can be E170s, ERJ145s, CRJ100/200, etc. My long haul is almost always Boeing because of the 767-200ER and the 777-200ER.
Title: Re: Airbus vs. Boeing
Post by: Virgin Serbia on May 14, 2011, 04:16:11 pm
No it isn't. Look at how the third engine is fitted. Pure elegance. A clean tube that goes through the tail, no twists or turns on the way. And that lovely nose, with it's huge elegant non-curved windows. And the nose-cone is molded perfectly onto the plane, unlike the strange Tristar nose cone. And the so far 4th widest cabin to date, after the A380, 747 and 777. The DC-10 is pure elegance - awesomeness. :-*
And the MD-11 :-* :-* Imagine all the attractive features of the DC-10, only stretched, with new larger engines, stretched wings and those lovely winglets. And POWER! It is the Chuck Norris of planes. If you treat it wrong, it will kill you, but treat it well, and it is awesome.
Title: Re: Airbus vs. Boeing
Post by: SomedayTrijet on May 14, 2011, 04:57:47 pm
The DC-10 might be a bit stubby, but the MD-11 is the perfect size - Lovely :-*