Print Page - Now Open - PW 1201 Air Empires II - Golden Age
Airline Mogul Forum
Airline Mogul => Private World Discussion & Invitation => Topic started by: msnell on December 31, 2009, 11:30:30 am
Title: Now Open - PW 1201 Air Empires II - Golden Age
Post by: msnell on December 31, 2009, 11:30:30 am
The group who ran the highly succesful 'Air Empires - The Real World' are proud to introduce the 1975 'Prequel'!!
Get your Disco gear on and get down to join our newest World - Air Empires II - Golden Age. We have space for 100 players:
World Info (
Start Year - 1975 Game Length - 34 Years Starting Aircraft - 2 x DC-9-30 Starting Cash - 5,000,000 Maximum Hubs - 10[2] Real Airlines with fictitional Alliances
To support this World we will be using a newly created area in our 'Private World Forum':
Still plenty of room. If you want to join the world, join our forum first and post in the appropriate section (I am away until Monday 11th Jan).
Title: Re: Now Open - PW 1201 Air Empires II - Golden Age
Post by: JayP on January 08, 2010, 09:33:16 pm
Count me interested, playing as Northwest Airlines.
Title: Re: Now Open - PW 1201 Air Empires II - Golden Age
Post by: airlines08 on January 09, 2010, 07:57:01 am
Hi JayP..!! We all welcome you to join this world. But, the world owner msnell is away for a few days. So, it would be better if you are willing to join our forum to register your airline and your bases first and also make yourself known on this forum: See you there..!! ;)
Title: Re: Now Open - PW 1201 Air Empires II - Golden Age
Post by: Santi22 on January 09, 2010, 02:06:15 pm
Well i want to play with Avianca Colombia ( Base: El Dorado Bogota BOG
Title: Re: Now Open - PW 1201 Air Empires II - Golden Age
Post by: airlines08 on January 09, 2010, 02:41:38 pm
Hello Santi22..!! Thanks for your interested to play with Avianca. BTW, the world owner msnell is away until monday, so if you are willing to join our forum first and register your airline and your hubs at there, it would be better. See you there..!! ;)
Title: Re: Now Open - PW 1201 Air Empires II - Golden Age
Post by: DekoCwb on January 09, 2010, 08:38:18 pm
Can i join as Iberia???
Title: Re: Now Open - PW 1201 Air Empires II - Golden Age
Post by: airlines08 on January 10, 2010, 12:25:14 am
Of course you can..!! BTW, thanks for joining our forum first. Then, register your airline and reserve your nominating hubs at there..!! ;)
Title: Re: Now Open - PW 1201 Air Empires II - Golden Age
Post by: msnell on January 23, 2010, 09:47:54 am
"PW1201 - Air Empires II - Golden Age" is still recruiting! Please view our forum to join: