The other missing slots add up to the 22 slots I'm missing at RFD. The RFD ones are my main concern as that is 2 complete gates worth I am paying for.
Title: Lost gate slots
Post by: StephenM on January 01, 2007, 12:03:22 pm
Ok, job done. Let me know if I got any wrong/left out any.
Title: Lost gate slots
Post by: skumfrik on January 07, 2007, 01:06:58 am
I've lost 4 slots at TRF after closing a rout..e (Gate ID:590)
Airline ID:139
Title: Lost gate slots
Post by: StephenM on January 07, 2007, 11:08:27 am
Quote from: "skumfrik"
I've lost 4 slots at TRF after closing a rout..e (Gate ID:590)
Airline ID:139
I gave you 2 slots back as I see you still have a route with 2 frequencies to that airport.
Title: Lost gate slots
Post by: skumfrik on January 09, 2007, 02:36:59 am
Quote from: "StephenM"
Quote from: "skumfrik"
I've lost 4 slots at TRF after closing a rout..e (Gate ID:590)
Airline ID:139
I gave you 2 slots back as I see you still have a route with 2 frequencies to that airport.
Actually, I HAD a route from OSL to TRF, but that's the one I shut down. I am not serving TRF anymore, but now I have only 2 available slots of an unused gate, instead of 6 as I had earlier.. :?