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Messages - iranair777

Pages: 1 2 3 ... 93
Bugs / Re: Cannot join Public world 2707
« on: September 24, 2013, 12:03:46 pm »

The problem is likely being triggered by a character limit of 30 on the airline name. Looks like your name is 42 characters in length. I'm pretty sure you've used that name before though?

Not in that world; Haven't played AM for a good 2 years now! Also a message stating the character limit would be good. How many active players do we have? Shame it seems like AM is dying out :(

Bugs / Cannot join Public world 2707
« on: September 20, 2013, 04:11:48 pm »
After clicking join world and entering airline details with the details below, I get the following messages:

You forgot to enter an airline name.
Sorry, either the airline name or airline code submitted are already in use. Please try a different combination.

Airline Name: Global Commercial Aircraft Services [GCAS] OR Global Commercial Aircraft Services (Neither work)
Airline code: GCA OR GCS
Base airport: LGW

General Chat / Re: Question on the Revenue Model
« on: June 16, 2012, 02:10:44 am »
The most profitable frequency (AFAIK) is 1, you can run more frequently on a route but it doesn't really make you any more money, it just adds to the fuel cost.

And honestly most of the long haul aircraft out there are twinjets now, the only case where 747s are being used massively are in cargo airlines. If cargo does get implemented into the game then I would argue more for fixing the maintenance model, because then larger aircraft would be much better for an airline.

I will say though that it'd be nice to include some sort of bonus for fleet commonality. Some sort of percentage reduction in the overall maintenance cost of your fleet, provided that a certain percentage of your fleet is one aircraft, and that you have a large number of that aircraft in service.
In all honesty, the game requires a complete overhaul. Yes hotswap is one of the major things, but the thing that hasn't been modified since iirc 2008-9 is the pricing and maintenance models. List of things that need a overhaul:

- Pricing (aircraft, profit, costs etc)
- Maintenance
- Statistics (There is a whole bunch of stats that can be implemented alongside the other additions)
- Scenarios
- Plus some other things i cant think of at 2 in the morning

Game Strategy / Re: A380
« on: June 12, 2012, 06:38:18 pm »
Were you the only airline on these routes?

Otherwise, the advice of sticking with aircraft under 300pax still rings true.
Yup. Personally I don't agree with that rule as there are many aircraft which are more than 300 seats and can give a very healthy profit. I have the 773 and 763ER in my fleet with seats of 550 and 350 respectively. Out of my 589 routes, the highest profit for a route I have on the 773 is €182K; 763ER: €186K. My highest profit 773 is gaining €385K a day while highest 763ER is €334K.
The issue isn't the aircraft seats, its mainly how efficiently you use them.

Game Strategy / A380
« on: June 11, 2012, 02:55:22 am »
Just a suggestion for those tempted, DO NOT BUY THE A380. The most profitable route i've managed to set it up on is LHR-PEK (€22,610). There are other routes out there such as ATL-LHR which can give a profit of about €65K, but compared to the cost of the plane and the profit from other planes in the same route, its not worth it (ATL-LHR; 773 €181K; 767 can give slightly higher)

General Chat / Re: Reset Airlines Please
« on: March 14, 2012, 03:47:11 pm »
email  :staff: with world ID and player ID

The qantas livery sure does look ugly on the 144/concorde

Game Updates / Re: [Debug] New Table Structure
« on: February 25, 2012, 10:54:05 am »
Oh yes, HS is what you think it is :p
When will it be active?
Already is, just select 'new view routes' on the view routes page

Rens, any chance you can increase the gap between the hubs? seems too clustered with no space

General Chat / Crossrail
« on: February 23, 2012, 09:08:09 pm »
Hiya everyone :)

Just found out the names I shortlisted to a competition to name the TBM's which will dig the tunnels for Crossrail :D

Please vote for Mary and Sophia, reasons why I chosen them is in the link below :)

Thanks :D

General Chat / Re: Selling an aircraft
« on: February 18, 2012, 06:01:05 pm »
For future reference if there are questions like this there is always the AM wiki ;)

General Chat / Re: Is this hotswap?
« on: February 02, 2012, 09:34:00 pm »
No it shows wrong frequentie when selecting the aircraft
maybe your aircraft has more than 2 0.5 frequency routes

General Chat / Re: Is this hotswap?
« on: February 02, 2012, 03:46:20 pm »
Ok i found one the aircraft freq. is not right
you mean a routes frequency? are you sure you didn't enter it right as I done it a few times while testing. You must manually select a routes frequency and price when you are replacing a routes aircraft

General Chat / Re: Is this hotswap?
« on: February 02, 2012, 08:49:31 am »
I already used it so launch it in all worlds!! And than hear what people think...
its not as simple as that. there are many bugs that can still show up, i found one last night and plus its not at full functionality yet.

General Chat / Re: Is this hotswap?
« on: February 01, 2012, 11:07:54 pm »
This is just a very early stage test of hotswap. As Stephen has said, once he's happy with this, he will roll it out and will be avaliable for private and public worlds.

Please refrain from using expletives even if they are star'ed out

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