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Topics - Air Elbonia

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General Chat / Tata Nano
« on: October 29, 2009, 10:14:44 pm »
Has anyone else noticed that the Tata Nano is a ripoff of the Little Tikes Grand Coupe?

Both use electronics sparingly.
Both are ultra-cheap
Both are designed to be that "first car purchase" someone makes
Both are high milage (Nano's about 52mpg that i see, Little Tikes is purely human power)

Game Updates / Gate Search Update
« on: December 10, 2008, 03:36:08 am »
I've made a few changes to gate search, sorry it got muddled in beta testing and life for a bit or it would have been out a few days ago.

- Engine rework which (general feedback) seems to be significantly faster then before in most situations.
- Added a requested, new option to premium features.  You can now select to view only airports you serve from X base, only airports you do not yet serve from X base, or a combination of the two utilizing a red/green triangle flag to differentiate.
- Other minor backend updates with hopes of lightening overall server load

Again. No promises of every result being in <.001 seconds, however it should be noticeably quicker.

Air Elbonia (Leave any bug reports in the bug reports section, all other comments please leave here)

*** Do note, I do plan on making distances a text box input, however some load issues near the hours are taking my attention away briefly.  I had not wanted to wait to complete this, as the other results of this update were deserving of a launch ***

Game Updates / Public World Generation Tweaks
« on: July 14, 2008, 02:41:31 am »
I've made a few small tweaks to the game's public game generator.  Included are as follows:

1. Small adjustment to map probabilities
2. I've dropped in logic which should (in theory) more evenly spread games out amongst three eras (1950-1969, 1970-1989, 1990-present). Amongst preliminary tests of the tweak, while the old set up had an unbalanced spread, the new formula had virtually a 1:1:1 spread between the three options. This does in no way garauntee any particular year will pop up. it's still random. just... a little less random, slightly.
3.  I've modified it also to start using some new maps.  Possibilities prior to this change were: full world, gate based worlds, continent based/grouped worlds, or individual countries.  Now there's 5 possible country grouped maps that might pop up.  the EU27, Former USSR, "Ring of Fire", Iberian Peninsula, and something to the effect of Colonizing the Americas.  Thanks to Rick for his help in coming up with these maps, likely soon a map generation forum will be set up and periodically the groupings possible in public world generation will be tweaked.

That is all.

Game Updates / A long time coming...
« on: July 01, 2008, 12:21:28 pm »
I know we should have added this a long time ago, but now we've finally added a checkall checkbox to the top line in mail centre, next to delete, if you haven't noticed.  Good things come to those who wait I suppose.

Thanks to Balint for helping me bugtest it and writing the backend on it.  I'm gonna be dropping it into view_route to allow for easier mass closure as well.

Game News / Where I've Been/Will Be
« on: May 29, 2008, 09:29:03 pm »
Hi all.

Thought I'd fill you in on a little bit of why I've been so busy and generally unavailable in the past few weeks.  I have been unfortunately largely unavailable for AM work.  This is because I'm taking a new job, which starts on this coming Monday, and as a result had to move a decent distance.  I'm staying with a friend at the moment, have been for the past two weeks or so, which grants me sporadic internet access, however I have found my own place and should be moving into it in about 2 weeks.   With luck, this will be a smooth and easy process, without any hidden catches or issues to slow my return to AM work down.

I am trying to use my free time to modify files to support mass route edit, and finalize some of the formulas and other aspects of private worlds, along with one or two other minor tweaks i might pick up here and there.

Thank you all for your patience with me as I move into a new place and start my new job.  Thanks again for playing AM, and I'll be doing my best to keep up with stuff in the mean time.

Will // Air Elbonia

General Chat / Phacebook
« on: April 15, 2008, 02:10:46 pm »
Phacebook Holmes is my friend, please add him. we're trying to find him as many friends as we can... that and I personally am entertained at half the inside and outside jokes involved.

Game Data / States, Provences, Counties
« on: February 28, 2008, 05:46:47 pm »


So, it has been suggested we get rick-rolling on these geopolitical subdivisions.  In an effort to be fair and comprehensive I'm going to make this thread to enable anyone who wish to help gather some basic data in a quick and easy way for me, rick, or someone else to use, for every [or most every] country in the world:

Current List of outstanding countries
5    American Samoa                            
8    Antarctica                                
12    Aruba                                      
20    Belarus                                    
21    Belgium                                    
22    Belize                                    
23    Benin                                      
24    Bermuda                                    
25    Bhutan                                    
26    Bolivia                                    
27    Bosnia and Herzegovina                    
28    Botswana                                  
30    Brazil                                    
32    Brunei Darussalam                          
33    Bulgaria                                  
34    Burkina Faso                              
35    Burundi                                    
37    Cameroon                                  
38    Canada                                    
39    Cape Verde                                
40    Cayman Islands                            
41    Central African Republic                  
42    Chad                                      
43    Chile                                      
45    Christmas Island                          
46    Cocos (Keeling) Islands                    
47    Colombia                                  
48    Comoros                                    
49    Congo                                      
50    Congo, the Democratic Republic of the      
51    Cook Islands                              
52    Costa Rica                                
53    Cote d'Ivoire                              
55    Cuba                                      
56    Cyprus                                    
58    Denmark                                    
59    Djibouti                                  
60    Dominica                                  
61    Dominican Republic                        
62    Ecuador                                    
63    Egypt                                      
64    El Salvador                                
65    Equatorial Guinea                          
66    Eritrea                                    
67    Estonia                                    
68    Ethiopia                                  
70    Faroe Islands                              
71    Fiji                                      
72    Finland                                    
73    France                                    
74    French Guiana                              
75    French Polynesia                          
77    Gabon                                      
78    Gambia                                    
79    Georgia                                    
80    Germany                                    
81    Ghana                                      
82    Gibraltar                                  
83    Greece                                    
84    Greenland                                  
85    Grenada                                    
86    Guadeloupe                                
87    Guam                                      
88    Guatemala                                  
89    Guernsey                                  
92    Guyana                                    
93    Haiti                                      
96    Honduras                                  
97    Hong Kong                                  
98    Hungary                                    
99    Iceland                                    
100    India                                      
101    Indonesia                                  
102    Iran, Islamic Republic of                  
103    Iraq                                      
105    Isle of Man                                
107    Italy                                      
108    Jamaica                                    
109    Japan                                      
110    Jersey                                    
111    Jordan                                    
112    Kazakhstan                                
113    Kenya                                      
114    Kiribati                                  
115    Korea, Democratic People's Republic of    
116    Korea, Republic of                        
117    Kuwait                                    
118    Kyrgyzstan                                
120    Latvia                                    
121    Lebanon                                    
122    Lesotho                                    
123    Liberia                                    
124    Libyan Arab Jamahiriya                    
126    Lithuania                                  
127    Luxembourg                                
128    Macao                                      
129    Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of
130    Madagascar                                
131    Malawi                                    
133    Maldives                                  
134    Mali                                      
135    Malta                                      
136    Marshall Islands                          
137    Martinique                                
138    Mauritania                                
139    Mauritius
140    Mayotte                                    
141    Mexico                                    
142    Micronesia, Federated States of            
143    Moldova, Republic of                      
145    Mongolia                                  
148    Morocco                                    
149    Mozambique                                
150    Myanmar                                    
151    Namibia                                    
152    Nauru                                      
153    Nepal                                      
155    Netherlands Antilles                      
156    New Caledonia                              
157    New Zealand                                
158    Nicaragua                                  
159    Niger                                      
160    Nigeria                                    
161    Niue                                      
162    Norfolk Island                            
163    Northern Mariana Islands                  
164    Norway                                    
165    Oman                                      
166    Pakistan                                  
167    Palau                                      
169    Panama                                    
170    Papua New Guinea                          
171    Paraguay                                  
173    Philippines                                
175    Poland                                    
176    Portugal                                  
177    Puerto Rico                                
178    Qatar                                      
179    Reunion                                    
180    Romania                                    
181    Russian Federation                        
182    Rwanda                                    
183    Saint Helena                              
184    Saint Kitts and Nevis                      
185    Saint Lucia                                
186    Saint Pierre and Miquelon                  
187    Saint Vincent and the Grenadines          
188    Samoa                                      
190    Sao Tome and Principe                      
191    Saudi Arabia                              
192    Senegal                                    
194    Seychelles                                
196    Singapore                                  
197    Slovakia                                  
198    Slovenia                                  
199    Solomon Islands                            
200    Somalia                                    
201    South Africa                              
203    Spain                                      
204    Sri Lanka                                  
205    Sudan                                      
206    Suriname                                  
208    Swaziland                                  
209    Sweden                                    
210    Switzerland                                
211    Syrian Arab Republic                      
212    Taiwan, Province of China                  
213    Tajikistan                                
214    Tanzania, United Republic of              
216    Timor-Leste                                
217    Togo                                      
219    Tonga                                      
220    Trinidad and Tobago                        
222    Turkey                                    
223    Turkmenistan                              
224    Turks and Caicos Islands                  
225    Tuvalu                                    
226    Uganda                                    
227    Ukraine                                    
228    United Arab Emirates                      
232    Uruguay                                    
233    Uzbekistan                                
234    Vanuatu                                    
235    Venezuela                                  
236    Viet Nam                                  
238    Virgin Islands, U.S.                      
239    Wallis and Futuna                          
240    Western Sahara                            
241    Yemen                                      
242    Zambia                                    
243    Zimbabwe                                  

Alright. that's the full list of every country in the AM database, and its ID number.  HERE's where YOU come in:

Please, if you have the time, select a country from the list, pick its predominate subdivision [states, provinces, counties, islands... whatever is most common and prevalent] and submit it here in the following format:

United Kingdom:
(229, 'Scotland'), (229, 'Wales'), (229, 'Northern Ireland'), (229, 'England')

Parenthesis, quotes, comma, and country ID are needed.  ORDER of country id and subregion name is unimportant, as long as it is consistant.

PLEASE follow the above format for submissions, it makes dropping it into the new state/province/etc. database a LOT easier to fit into my present schedule, which is primarily focused on getting multiworlds finished and out.

PLEASE note: Posts nowhere near the above format may be ignored.

PLEASE note: THIS requires no list of actual airports within each region, this merely populates the state/county/region database so that Rick, Myself, and any other admin may update these airports appropriately in a sane manner both front and back.  When enough of the database is populated, it will be integrated into submit airport and a few admin pages related to this.

ADDITIONAL: If you DO wish to go to the Nth degree and go hog-wild attempting to help us with getting airports -> states/etc released faster.  Please include in your post a second line where it lists the region name, then a full list of airports found within that region BY AIRPORT ID.  This is the only format that is easily and readily available to mass update a given region's airports.

United Kingdom:
(229, 'Scotland'), (229, 'Wales'), (229, 'Northern Ireland'), (229, 'England')

Scotland: 50,44, [rest of the airports here]

Game News / IMPORTANT POLL [Please Vote]
« on: February 23, 2008, 11:11:14 pm »
Alright.  After much effort, thought, and time it seems multiworlds is just out of grasp for this reset.

Personally, looking at what's left, I think it can be pulled off within 24 days.  Stephen seems to agree with me on this.  Now our question is what to do with this estimate.

Please vote in the poll.  Sorry about the late notice, I've been trying my best [as has stephen] to get this done by this reset.

Game News / Airline Mogul Reaches 1074 Aircraft types/engine variants
« on: February 06, 2008, 06:09:44 am »
Here's an updated graph.  I've also added in a line [cyan] which shows exactly how many aircraft are introduced in any given year.  This includes any engine variants for existing or new models.

Also, while i'm at it: we've hit 2,783 airports in game.  Special thanks to Waerth and Air Hannover International for their extensive work in submitting new airports [and everyone else who has contributed].

Game News / Happy Holidays from AM
« on: December 17, 2007, 11:25:32 am »
[Sorry for being late for Hannakuh, but Happy Hannakuh to all who celebrate it]

Happy Kwanzaa, and merry Christmas [and season's greetings... and any other holiday i missed] from all of the staff here at AirlineMogul.

Hey look! there's been a sighting of Santa's Sleigh in-game...

Game News / Airline Mogul Reaches 800 Aircraft / Engine Variants
« on: December 14, 2007, 04:51:09 pm »
We've actually hit 811 distinct aircraft models/engines in our database.  Everyone thank Dex.

I've actually taken the quick time it takes to go into excel and make a lovely chart of how many aircraft are available in any given year in-game.  Distinct Engine Variants is the total number of options available (all types, all engine variants), Distinct type names is what it sounds like, it rules out any same-name engine variants.

Our peak year at present is 1976, where we have 76 manufacturers producting 308 different engine/aircraft variants, or 283 different distinct models of planes (if we rule out the direct name engine variants).

We have the most manufacturers available in game in 1968 with 78 manufacturers online in that year.

It's also interesting to note there are now a total of 124 manufacturers in game.

Game News / Results of Nov. Survey
« on: November 20, 2007, 01:47:22 am »
Alright. we've closed the November Survey.

Here are the results (I'll see about tabulating the last question's results sometime later tonight, no garauntees.)

Nov Survey

Jul-Aug survey excerpt for comparison

Eventually these images will be pulled so as to not bias the next survey's results terribly much.  Thank you all who participated.

Bugs / Typos - centralized thread
« on: October 29, 2007, 11:36:11 pm »
I'll fix them as I'm made aware of them (or notice them otherwise) if and when i need to work on the affected file, or periodically as a spurt.

so far we have "Transations" twice in the operations department, "Most be a hub..." in create route.

so. post them up, page/typo.  Time for a centralized typo thread.  I'm sure there's a few typos on the main page.

Game News / Mini-Reset
« on: October 11, 2007, 08:50:04 pm »
There will be a mini-reset before the game officially starts where the routes and aircraft will be reset to repair the damage that a few bugs have caused.  The open time before the days start will be extended as a result.

Please utilize the centralized bug deposit thread in the bugs section to help us find all the bugs you can at the moment, to make the best use of this time.  Sorry for how buggy it wound up being, we try to reduce bugs as much as possible before making something live, but we're all human.

Bugs / CENTRALIZED BUG DEPOSITORY [1950s, big buggy reset report]
« on: October 11, 2007, 08:04:08 pm »
Stephen and I have decided we shall reset again (sorry) within 24 hours after all the known major bugs are found.  PLEASE use this thread to deposit any bug information you can find.  It's getting very hard to track all the repeat threads.

So far:

Create focus city (line 58): I think has been fixed.

Gates: gates.php has been synced up to reality, the remaining pages will be checked and synced up shortly (i hope).

Rankings: Not touched yet, but the continents don't sync up. this will be straightened out.

Create route: Not charging market research has been fixed.

Aircraft's excess hours (>24 hours, or over otherwise "normal" hours).  any detail you can provide would be helpful.

Any new bugs? share them, immediately please.

Dex Brokerage, Orange Air, Hampo and SkyLite are brokers, so they may have excess planes from scrappages. i'll leave them to report any issues with aircraft they have themselves.

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